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Nihongo relay

Students compete in teams to read hiragana colour words and match them to the corresponding colour cards.

Preparation (Whole class)

Prepare a set of the following items for each team:
・a box containing 4 cards with the words しろ、くろ、あか、あお
・4 colour cards (white, black, red and blue)
・a balloon made from origami or newspaper

Set up a table for the boxes with the hiragana cards.
Place the four coloured cards on the table.

Hiragana Card (Word 14KB)


1. Students revise colour words using the flashcards.

Flash Card (Word 14KB)

2. Using the PPT, the teacher explains the rules of the relay.

Nihongo Relay (PPT 995KB)

3. Students divide into teams and start the relay.


This game can be used for various word groups such as animals, food, numbers and Hiragana/Katakana/Kanji recognitions.


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