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Japanese Language Education Seminar with UNSW (Dec 2022)


Getting together with Keishogo kids: Small group activities, study groups, and classrooms



The seminar will be conducted in Japanese.


For our twelfth Japanese education seminar with UNSW, exploring the theme of raising Japanese-speaking children in Australia, we have invited Ms. Toshiko M. Calder as our guest lecturer. She is Trustee of Princeton Community Japanese Language School, Lecturer at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, and founder and former representative of Heritage Japanese Language Special Interest Group within The Japanese Society for Mother Tongue, Heritage Language and Bilingual Education.

第12回の今回は、アメリカ・ジョンズホプキンス大学よりカルダー淑子先生(プリンストン日本語学校理事、母語継承語バイリンガル教育学会〈M H B〉海外継承日本語部会前会長)をお迎えします。

What is KEISHOGO (繋生語)?

Keishogo is defined as the language that is born from connections with parents, family, and friends, and that creates further connections, generates new meanings, and passes these connections on to the next generation.



【Message from the presenter】

I am encouraged to see how parents and teachers in Australia are connecting on Facebook under the keyword “Keishogo” (繋生語) and conducting a range of activities. I also heard that increasing numbers of parents are running home-based playgroups and parent-child circles. I suspect that some of these parents may be wishing to develop their current activities into Japanese language courses or classes for children growing up in a multilingual environment. Teachers in weekend Japanese schools may also be looking for methods and materials suitable for children from diverse backgrounds. In this seminar, I would like to work with these parents and teachers to come up with teaching plans that consider the identity of children in multilingual environments as well as the curriculum of local schools.



【Heritage Language Information】

  • JPF Sydney “Japanese as Community Language” (including past seminars VOD) HERE
  • Website of  “Australian Network for Japanese as Community Language”  HERE
  • Access the Facebook group “オーストラリアで日本語を使う子どもを育てる” HERE
  • See JPF Sydney Library’s heritage-language educational book collection HERE


  • 国際交流基金シドニー日本文化センター「Japanese as Community Language」(過去実施済みセミナーVODを含む)はこちら
  • 「豪州繋生語研究会」ウェブサイトはこちら
  • Facebook グループ「オーストラリアで日本語を使う子どもを育てる」はこちら
  • 国際交流基金シドニー日本文化センター図書館の継承語関連蔵書はこちら

Ms Toshiko M. Calder

School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University

Founder and Former Representative
Heritage Japanese Language Special Interest Group
The Japanese Society for Mother Tongue, Heritage Language and Bilingual Education

Trustee, Princeton Community Japanese Language School

Since moving to the USA in 1980, while teaching Japanese at universities and community colleges, I have been involved in setting up new heritage courses at weekend Japanese language schools. In the early 2000s, I worked for founding a heritage language course at the Princeton Community Japanese Language School (a MEXT-approved school) on the east coast of the USA, with a standard independent from that of the Japanese Ministry of Education and Science (MEXT). As the Board Chair of the school, I worked hard to support it, which gave me the opportunity to think about the issue of government support for children living abroad. Later, I set up the Heritage Japanese Language Special Interest Group within The Japanese Society for Mother Tongue, Heritage Language and Bilingual Education (MHB), based in Japan, and, together with my colleagues, campaigned for signatures for the Japanese Language Education Promotion Act. In the process, I had the opportunity to extend networks with parents struggling alone in various parts of the world, as well as teachers supporting small scale weekend schools through their enormous efforts. My daughter and son, who were toddlers when I came to the USA, are now parents, and with four grandchildren aged from 4 to10, I am also thinking about how the Japanese language can be passed on to the third generation.

カルダー 淑子 氏

母語継承語バイリンガル教育学会(M H B)海外継承日本語部会前会長


1980年の渡米以来、大学やコミュニティカレッジで日本語教育にあたるかたわら、補習校や継承語学校の新コース立ち上げに携わってきました。2000年代の初めにアメリカ東部のプリンストン日本語学校(認可補習校)に文科省の国語教育とは違う理念の継承語コースを立ち上げ、学校の理事長として支援にあたったのですが、これは在外の子どもに向けた政府支援の問題を考える大きな機会にもなりました。その後、日本をベースにするM H Bの中に海外継承日本語部会を立ち上げ、仲間と共に日本語教育推進法の署名運動を行い、その過程では世界各地で孤軍奮闘しておられる多くのご両親や週末の学校を支えておられる先生方と繋がる機会を頂きました。渡米した時には幼児だった娘と息子が今は親になり、4歳から10歳まで4人の孫を持つ中で、三世代目に伝える日本語についても考えているところです。

Please register your details in English ONLY.


**The registration deadline is November 28, 2022 4pm AEDT. 登録〆切は2022年11月28日 4pm AEDTとなっております。**

Seminar Zoom link will be sent to your registered email on December 2, 2022 (Friday) at 3pm AEDT (the day before the seminar date).
If you have not received this email by then, please contact us immediately.

セミナー前日の2022年12月2日(金)午後3時 AEDTにご登録いただきましたメールアドレスにZOOMリンクをお送りいたします。


December 3, 2022 (Saturday)
2pm-4pm AEDT
(Check time zone here)

*Online conference room opens at 1:30pm AEDT


This event will be held online via Zoom (web conference system).


Free: Registrations essential


November 4, 2022 (Friday) at 9am AEDT


November 28, 2022 (Monday) at 4pm AEDT


(02) 8239 0055

Co-presented  by

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