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Japanese traditional patterns

Students work through a series of activities based on the theme of Japanese traditional patterns.


How to use the resource

This unit of work comprises a PPT presentation and a series of worksheets to be used with the PPT. The worksheets can be downloaded as a whole unit, or separately by activity, and the activities are matched with the corresponding PPT slides indicated by あ~さ.

Slides part 1 (PPT 7137KB)
Slides part 2 (PPT 11717KB)
Worksheets – all (Word 15419KB)
Worksheets – all (PDF)

Activity 1: What is もんよう?

Students learn about Japanese traditional patterns.

Worksheet: What is もんよう? (Word 270KB)

Activity 2: Shapes and colours

Students learn shapes and colours in Japanese traditional patterns.

Worksheet: Shapes and Colours (Word 820KB)

Activity 3: Meaning of the patterns

Students find out what traditional patterns signify in Japanese culture.

Worksheet: Meanings (Word 11757KB)

Activity 4: Finding traditional patterns

Students explore Japanese traditional patterns in Japanese everyday life.

Activity 5: Comparing with Aboriginal paintings

Activity 6: Suggested assessment tasks

Worksheet: Assessment task (Word 693KB)

Step 1:
Students research patterns from different cultures and discuss in groups.

Step 2:
Students read a passage and underline the words which they will change to write their own.

Step 3:
Students design their own patterns and describe.

Extra activity

Students create a bilingual book of Japanese patterns

Worksheet: Creating a Book (Word 255KB)

Resource created by Mayumi Mitsuya and Himiko Negishi-Wood (March 2019).

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