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Email Writing

Students compose and write email messages for various situations. This resource is aimed at junior and senior secondary students.

Why emails?

Although young people tend to communicate with others using SNS, there will be occasions when they will need to use email. This resource introduces the basic format for emails in Japanese and provides activities for students to write their own emails. 

1. How to write an email

Activity 1: Students familiarise themselves with the basic format of an email by reading and analysing the model email.

worksheet 1 (WORD 151KB) worksheet 1 (PDF 776KB)

Activity 2: Students learn some expressions for email subjects, titles, greetings, and closing words.

worksheet 2 (WORD 50KB)

Activity 3: As a review, students complete an email which is missing some information.

worksheet 3 (WORD 101KB) worksheet 3 (PDF 301KB)

2. Writing activities

Students are guided to write 3 emails using model email formats.
Each activity follows 4 steps.

Step 1: Read the model email.
Step 2: Brainstorm your own email.
Step 3: Draft and revise the message.
Step 4: Review your email format and content.

Activity 1: Introduce yourself (WORD 159KB) Activity 1: Introduce yourself (PDF 833KB)
Activity 2: Talk about pastimes (WORD 305KB) Activity 2: Talk about pastimes (PDF 896KB)
Activity 3: Express appreciation (WORD 101KB) Activity 3: Express appreciation (PDF 301KB)

3. Extension activity

Step 1: Type a final draft

Students type the final draft in email format using the template below.

Email Template (PDF 382KB)

Note: Before typing their final draft, students are encouraged to practice basic typing skills in Japanese. You can find a useful resource for developing typing skills in Japanese here:

Step 2: Review of typing

After completing the typing activity, students can use the following checklist to review their work. 
They may also give feedback to their classmates on their work.  

  • Are there any typos or mistakes?
  • Did you type the particle “は” and  “を” correctly?
  • Did you convert to the appropriate kanji?
  • Did you type the katakana words correctly?

Related resource


This resource has been created by JPF Sydney with references to the following books and websites: 

Fukasawa, N., Hamada, M., Goto, H., & Fukagawa, M. (2010). Basic PC usage in Japanese. Tokyo, Japan: 3A Corporation.
Yana, A., Ooki, R., & Komatsu, Y. (2005). Writing E-mails in Japanese. Tokyo, Japan: The Japan Times, Ltd. 

Created by Minako Kadoi with assistance from Ruby Morgan. (Feb 2021)

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